Volume 3, Article 3

Volume 3, Article 3

European Journal of Counselling Theory, Research and Practice, Volume 3, Article 3, 1-2.

Book review: Cognitive Behavioural Chairwork: Distinctive Features. 

Stephen Palmer

Book Review

Citation: Palmer, S. (2019). Book review: Cognitive Behavioural Chairwork: Distinctive Features. European Journal of Counselling Theory, Research and Practice, 3, 3, 1-2. https://ejctrap.nationalwellbeingservice.com/volumes/volume-3-2019/volume-3-article-3/

Published online 3 October, 2019.


Prof Stephen Palmer

Prof Stephen Palmer PhD is Director of the Centre for Stress Management, London since 1987. He is Professor of Practice, Wales Academy for Professional Practice and Applied Research, and Adjunct Professor of Coaching Psychology at Aalborg University. He is the Honorary President of the International Stress Management Association and the International Society for Coaching Psychology. He is also Honorary Vice President of the Society for Dialectical Behaviour Therapy and Co-Chair of the Association for Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy. He has written or edited over 50 books including: The Handbook of Counselling (Routledge, 1997), The Handbook of Solution-Focused Therapy (Sage, 2003) and The Beginner’s Guide to Counselling and Psychotherapy (Sage, 2015). He has published over 225 articles.
