Book review: Online Supervision: A Handbook for Practitioners
Veronika Basa
Citation: Basa, V. (2021). Book review: Online Supervision: A Handbook for Practitioners. European Journal of
Counselling Theory, Research and Practice, 5, 2, 1-2.
Processing dates: Submitted: 17 September 2021; Accepted: 21 September 2021; Published: 10 November 2021.
The objective of this publication is, as the title suggests, to develop the practice of online supervision of online therapists. The book reviews a range of aspects of online supervision suitable for experienced therapists as well as therapists who may choose to engage in online supervision of their face-to-face work.
Anne Stokes who is based in Hampshire UK, is a well-known and highly respected online therapist, supervisor, trainer, and a Director of Online Training Ltd, as well a pioneer in introducing online therapy into the UK and training of online supervisors. She also has a wide range of written work on
this subject.
Veronika Basa is an independent researcher, published author, international speaker, educator, and course designer and developer within the Australian Qualification Framework (AQF). She designed developed, and authored the first nationally accredited courses in supervision in Australia, the (69828) Certificate IV in Counselling Supervision (AQF level 4, 2007-2010), and the (69795) Graduate Diploma of Counselling Supervision (AQF level 8, 2010-2015).