Volume 1, Article 11

European Journal of Counselling Theory, Research and Practice, Volume 1, Article 11, 1-2
Play Review: The Secondary Victim
Maggie Palmer

Citation: Palmer, M. (2017). Play review: The Secondary Victim. European Journal of Counselling Theory, Research and Practice, 1, 11, 1-2. https://ejctrap.nationalwellbeingservice.com/volumes/volume-1-2017/volume-1-article-11/

Published online 28 November, 2017.

Maggie Palmer


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Further information: Terri Paddock hosts a post-show Q&A at Park Theatre, London at new play about sexual allegations, The Secondary Victim with writer Matthew Campling, director Matthew Gould and members of the cast, which is led by Susannah Doyle. Video of Q&A.