Editorial: Call for papers, book reviews and conference reports.
Stephen Palmer, Kristina Gyllensten, Siobhain O’Riordan and Kasia Szymanska
Citation: Palmer, S., Gyllensten, K., O’Riordan, S., & Szymanska, K. (2023). Editorial: Call for papers, book reviews and conference reports. European Journal of Counselling Theory, Research and Practice, 7, 1, 1-2. https://ejctrap.nationalwellbeingservice.com/volumes/volume-7-2023/volume-7-article-1-editorial
Processing dates: Submitted: 22 September; Accepted 22 September; Published 26 September 2023
Welcome to Volume 7 of the European Journal of Counselling Theory, Research and Practice (EJC-TRAP). Looking back at Volume 6 we published a paper on Skills in Single-Session Therapy (Dryden, 2022) and two book reviews (Basa, 2022; Hensel, 2022).
The European Journal of Counselling Theory, Research and Practice is an international peer reviewed journal. We are keen to receive contributions from researchers, counsellors, counselling psychologists and psychotherapists. We publish theory, research and practice articles on all aspects of counselling and psychotherapy. We invite contributions to the journal on the following: original research; research protocols; review articles; brief reports; techniques, interventions and strategies; case studies; book reviews; keynote papers; conference, congress and symposium reports.
The editors can provide initial guidance as to whether or not a particular topic is suitable for the journal. Email us the title and abstract and we will endeavour to respond within 10 working days. We are also interested in receiving proposals from experts in the field who are considering editing a special issue on a particular topic relevant to counselling and/or psychotherapy theory, research and practice.
Professional Body Sponsors
We thank the European Association for Counselling (EAC) for being the main professional body to sponsor the European Journal of Counselling Theory, Research and Practice. The EAC is the leading body for counselling in Europe. In its statutes it states that ‘The EAC is a professional body that promotes the recognition, development and professional ethical practice of counselling and training in counselling in Europe and elsewhere for the benefit of its members, and the safety and protection of clients and the public‘ (EAC, n.d.). It has developed criteria for the award of the European Certificate of Counsellor Accreditation which have been agreed by the founding countries of the Association.
Also, thanks to our Corporate Sponsors, the Centre for Stress Management, Centre for Coaching, London and International Academy for Professional Development Ltd. The journal is published by the National Wellbeing Service Ltd.
Article Submission information
For details about submitting papers, please visit our journal submission webpage. See: https://ejctrap.nationalwellbeingservice.com/submission-review-process
We look forward to receiving your submissions.
Basa, V. (2022). Book review: Supervision in Clinical Practice: A Practitioner’s Guide. European Journal of Counselling Theory, Research and Practice, 6, 2, 1-2.
European Association for Counselling (n.d). About the European Association for Counselling. https://eac.eu.com/membership-applications/about-european-eac/eac-statutes
Dryden, W. (2022). Skills in Single-Session Therapy Part 2: Ways of Beginning the Session. European Journal of Counselling Theory, Research and Practice, 6, 3, 1-4.
Hensel, J. (2022). Book review: The Four Thoughts That F*ck You Up . . . and How to Fix Them. European Journal of Counselling Theory, Research and Practice, 6, 4, 1-3. https://ejctrap.nationalwellbeingservice.com/volumes/volume-6-2022/volume-6-article-4
© National Wellbeing Service Ltd
Dr Stephen Palmer
Dr Kristina Gyllensten
Dr Siobhain O’Riordan
Kasia Szymanska